2014 MSDAAG GeoBowl Competition

Come back to this page in Fall 2014 to learn more about signing up your team!

Participate this year in the MSD Geography Bowl at the annual meeting at York College! The highest-scoring students will be invited to represent the Division at the World Geography Bowl at the AAG annual meeting in Spring 2015 and will receive partial funding to participate. All Division undergraduate and graduate students are invited to compete this fall. Form a team (5-6 people) or sign up this fall to be placed on a team.

World Geography Bowl at the AAG annual meeting


The Middle States Geo Bowl team was unfortunately unable to defend their title at the recent 2014 AAG Annual Meeting in Tampa. The team went 3-4 in the opening rounds and thus did not make the final rounds. Our President, David Fyfe and Vice-President, Mark Blumler both attended the event and deserve our thanks in helping organize the team.

World Geography Bowl MSDAAG Team 2014

Our 2014 team (from left to right): Craig Benson (SUNY Geneseo), Ashlee Adams (Penn State), Ari Kaputkin (SUNY New Paltz), Jase Bernhardt (Penn State), Sarah Radigan Lander (Kutztown)

2013 MSDAAG GeoBowl Competition


Kutztown Golden Bears (85) beat Buffalo/New Paltz (40)


Penn State+ (95) beat Geneseo Fraserites (55)


Geneseo Fraserites (70) beat Buffalo/New Paltz (35)


Kutztown Golden Bears (75) beat Penn State+ (55)


Penn State+ (90) beat Kutztown Golden Bears (45)

Winning Team: Penn State+

GeoBowl 2014 team for Tampa meeting

Top scoring individuals from MSDAAG meet make up the MSDAAG team

  • Ashlee Adams (Penn State)  graduate
  • Craig Benson (SUNY Geneseo) undergraduate
  • Jase Bernhardt (Penn State) graduate
  • Ari Kaputkin (SUNY New Paltz) undergraduate
  • Cris Livecchi (Penn State) graduate
  • Sarah Radigan Lander (Kutztown) undergraduate


Information on playing or setting up a team can be found at here.


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