The Middle States Division of the AAG Executive Board approved a minor revision of Division Bylaws section 2d at the fall 2022 Board meeting and the general membership of the Division voted to approve that change December 30, 2022. A more extensive revision was made at the fall 2015 meeting by the Board and approved by the membership in fall 2016. The revised 2016 Bylaws address several issues that were discussed in 2015 and are summarized as follows:
- Stand Alone Geographer (SAGE) representation was officially included in the bylaws with a three-year term for this position
- The Secretary position was changed to a one-year position and the Treasurer title and duties were removed from this position
- It was clarified that Treasurer duties lie with the board-appointed Executive Director position, which was changed to a three-year term position
- The Vice President position was changed to one that is elected to a three-year term to progress as follows: VP, President, Past President
- Past President was added as an official officer with duties
- Duties were redistributed among officers to, in particular, take some pressure off the President position so they can focus on the annual meeting
The details of the bylaws revision is included here.